October 22, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

Selim Salem

Index of Recordings

Section Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
Rast 112 111 רצני אבי ומלכי Raphael Tabbush סימן רפאל Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Rast 118 113 ישיר ישראל ברננים Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Rast 127 117 חי הזן לכל תמיד Raphael Tabbush In honor of the wedding of Tabbush's student, Hayyim Tawil. S. Salem
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Rast 131 119 יה תאיר לאורי Raphael Tabbush Dor: yah talah il sa'adi. S. Salem
Rast 132 120 יחיד נורא Raphael Tabbush This jovial pizmon (RAST, page 120), composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush (deceased December 1918) of Aleppo, Syria, is one of the most important and popular songs for the festival of Pesah. There are four stanzas in this pizmon; corresponding to the four letter of name of God (Tetragrammaton). Within each stanza, there are multiple rhyming clauses. Although the melody of this song should not be applied to any of the pieces of prayers, this pizmon is used for the PIZMON SEFER TORAH (typically on Shabbat HaHodesh or 1-2 Pesah). Many aspects of the month of Nisan, including the Haggadah and the counting of the Omer, are alluded to in this special pizmon. In general, the composer gives praise to God for all of His kindness to mankind, and specifically to the Jewish nation for the Exodus from Egypt and the splitting of the sea. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 S. Salem
Rast 133 120 אל נורא פי ינוב Raphael Tabbush סימן רפאל. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Rast 139 123 הקץ יה חביבי Raphael Tabbush סימן רפאל Hamaoui Manuscript S. Salem
Rast 155.01 132a חי וקים This version, by H David Saliah is a very accurate rendition based on the composition by Dahud Husni. Hamaoui Manuscript S. Salem
Rast 167.01 144a אנא יה חביבי S. Salem
Mahour 173 147 רם בך יגל לבב Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
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Mahour 175 148 מגיני רצני Raphael Tabbush Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Mahour 186 153 נעימה לי Moses Ashear Eli S Haddad. Ashear Manuscript S. Salem
שועת עניים
Mahour 191 156 בואי ברנה Moses Ashear Bo'ee BeRina is one of the most beautiful compositions authored by H Moshe Ashear (d. 1940). This pizmon was written for the groom, Seymour Charles Semah, in honor of his wedding to Sara Ashkenazie (daughter of Lulu and Aharon Ashkenazie). The content of the pizmon is written from the point of view of the Hatan talking to his new wife. Although the acrostic is Moshe- named after the author, the names Shaul, Sion, and Semah are alluded to in the first, second, and last stanzas, respectively. The melody of this pizmon is from the Arabic "Hawad Min Hina," sung by Egyptian singer Munira al-Mahdiya (1884-1965). Although this song is only listed in Maqam MAHOUR, Ashear made another melody to this pizmon in Maqam HIJAZ. It is the HIJAZ version that Ashear applied to Semehim on Shabbat Haye Sara in 1940. The pizmon relates to this Torah portion, because Isaac becomes a groom. Ashear Manuscript S. Salem
Bayat 302 239 נורא ורם Raphael Tabbush The pizmon incorporates the poet's name and hints at the shortest prayer in the Bible, "El na Refah na Lah", "Oh God, pray heal her now" (Numbers 12:13). The Text of this pizmon calls of God to "heal my sickness and pain". The pizmon also asks God to banish the "son of Hagar". Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Bayat 307 241 עז ומחית Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Bayat 308 242 יה אלי מהר Raphael Tabbush Title in Red Book of "Abd Al Ekhoua" is incorrect. The actual title is “min abli mah ahwah algamal.” S. Salem
Bayat 309 242 אני אגיד בקהל עם זו Arabic: Ahd El Ekhewwa. DOR in Maqam Bayat. S. Salem
Bayat 310 242 חנני מלך רחמן Habib Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Bayat 312 243 אויבי הכני Arabic is "Hebbi Da'ani" sung by 'ABD EL HAI HILMI. S. Salem
Bayat 389 313 צור יה אל Ezekiel Hai Albeg This pizmon (BAYAT, page 313), whose opening words translate as "Rock, Lord, God, King of the Universe, Unto You Are My Thoughts" was written in the early 1950's by Cantor Ezekiel H Albeg. It was written as a birthday dedication to Mr Charles A Serouya (d. 2005), the President of Young Magen David (YMD). "Charlie", as he was affectionately known, had a rare vibrant personality and devoted most of his life to supporting synagogue causes. The unique group that he created, Young Magen David, or "Charlie's Shul," was the first self-governing 'Youth Minyan' in the Community. The opening words of the song, "Sur Ya El," are a play on Charlie's last name "Serouya," and the acrostic of the song is "צעירי מגן דוד" (Young Magen David). The melody of this song is an instrumental piece called "Bint al-Balad" (Daughter of the Country) by Mohammad 'Abd al-Wahab. What made the composition of this pizmon extremely difficult is that the original Arabic piece, a bashraf, had no words; only a recurring melody. It was only at Gabriel A Shrem's insistence that Cantor Albeg undertook the challenge of composing beautiful Hebrew words to this catchy melody. Photograph of Charlie Serouya S. Salem
Bayat 391.0892 318at יה משה נא Selim Salem S. Salem
Saba 458 380 יחיש מבשר This pizmon (SABA, page 380), which translates as "Our Father Will Hasten the Messenger," is an important song about praying for the redemption. This song is composed by H Raphael Tabbush (d. 1918) to the Arabic melody of "Ya'ish WeYe'Shaq Qalbi". In this song, the author asks God to answer our prayers, to forgive our transgressions, to save us from our enemies who are planning acts of violence on us, and to hasten the arrival of Eliahou the Prophet who will announce the redemption of the Jewish people. Traditionally, this song is associated with the last day of a Shalosh Regalim festival (Pesah, Shabuot, Sukkot); the time when we most yearn for the redemption and the rebuilding of the Bet HaMiqdash. H Moshe Ashear applied this melody for the Qaddish of Shabbat Naso in 1937 and 1938 (the Shabbat after the Shabuot festival). In addition, Cantor Isaac J Cabasso applies this melody to Nishmat on the last day of Pesah and Shemini Asseret. S. Salem
Saba 469 386 יה עזי אתה S Salem
Sigah 525 441 אשיש אל בך This song is a DOR and the name in Arabic is 'Aziz Hobak. S. Salem
Sigah 533 445 יה אוחיל Raphael Tabbush Maqam Awj-Oj Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript S. Salem
Hijaz 611.2 509s היום עלה לגני S. Salem
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Section Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
Bayat 391.0892 318at יה משה נא S. Salem
4004 106d שמעו מלכים האזינו רוזנים Maqam Petihot Recording