Section | Pizmon |
Page |
Song |
Commentary | Recordings | Application |
Rast |
111 |
111 |
חי אגיד לך נטמן |
סימן חביב Hamaoui Manuscript Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
Rast |
117 |
113 |
ישבע טוב |
Hamaoui Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
Rast |
119 |
114 |
אל יבול עלי |
From the Arabic piece: "ElBolbol Gani Weqalli". |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Rast |
124 |
116 |
אתה יודע |
Raphael Tabbush |
Maury Blanco
נקדישך |
Rast |
127 |
117 |
חי הזן לכל תמיד |
Raphael Tabbush In honor of the wedding of Tabbush's student, Hayyim Tawil. |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Rast |
131 |
119 |
יה תאיר לאורי |
 Raphael Tabbush Dor: yah talah il sa'adi. |
Maury Blanco
Rast |
155.01 |
132a |
חי וקים |
This version, by H David Saliah is a very accurate rendition based on the composition by Dahud Husni. Hamaoui Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
Rast |
167.02 |
144a |
אנא יה רם |
Raphael Tabbush |
Maury Blanco
Mahour |
171 |
146 |
רצה נא |
Raphael Tabbush Salah Abd ElHai singing the Arabic "'Ishna WeShofna". This includes a Sama'i and Mawal. In 1939, Ashear used the pizmon Resseh Na on page 146 for Qaddish. |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Mahour |
172 |
147 |
אל לעבדך |
Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Mahour |
184 |
152 |
ידידי אמרו |
 Raphael Tabbush Arabic is "Fouadi Amro 'Agib," in Maqam Mahour, sung by the great Sheikh Yousef El Manyalawi. In 1936, Hakham Moshe Ashear used this for Qaddish of Perashat Toledot. |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Sasgar |
200 |
163 |
אסיר ביוקשי |
Raphael Tabbush Assir El 'Eshq: In 1906, Daoud Hosni was granted the first prize at the Musical Congress in Paris, for the composition of his famous hit "Assir El' Eshq" أســير العــشـق. It is a song that still thrills enthusiasts of Middle-Eastern Music. |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Ajam |
206 |
169 |
לעם חביב |
Maqam Sasgar Arabic: Sayed El Safti singing "Bid'i il Habib" in Maqam Geharka. Hamaoui Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Ajam |
209 |
170 |
היום רפא לעם נלבב |
Raphael Tabbush Maqam Sasgar Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Nahwand |
258 |
207 |
בבית נאוה |
Maury Blanco and the Aram Soba Orchestra
Nahwand |
260 |
207 |
אל אבי מחסדך |
 Raphael Tabbush |
Maury Blanco and the Aram Soba Orchestra
נשמת |
Nahwand |
288 |
224 |
יה אל נורא |
Moses Ashear Moshe Ezra Shrem. Ashear Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
פזמון |
Nahwand |
290 |
225 |
מאמר ותחנון |
 Moses Ashear Wedding of Selim and Nizha Gindi. Photograph is courtesy of David Catton, grandson. Classic song in Maqam Nawa-athar. It is a DOR by the name Ya Qamar Dar El 'Oyoun and this version is sung by Laure Dackashe. (Lor Dakash) Ashear Manuscript Photograph of Selim and Nizha Gindi |
Maury Blanco
Bayat |
301 |
239 |
למה בא אויבי |
Raphael Tabbush Arabic Melody: لما بان. Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
Bayat |
303 |
239 |
יהי נא לן נחת |
Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
Bayat |
307 |
241 |
עז ומחית |
Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Bayat |
308 |
242 |
יה אלי מהר |
Raphael Tabbush Title in Red Book of "Abd Al Ekhoua" is incorrect. The actual title is “min abli mah ahwah algamal.” |
Maury Blanco
נשמת |
Bayat |
309 |
242 |
אני אגיד בקהל עם זו |
Arabic: Ahd El Ekhewwa. DOR in Maqam Bayat. |
Maury Blanco
Bayat |
312 |
243 |
אויבי הכני |
Arabic is "Hebbi Da'ani" sung by 'ABD EL HAI HILMI. |
Maury Blanco
Bayat |
314 |
244 |
היכלו היכלו |
Raphael Tabbush Hanukkah. Thanking God for the deliverence against the enemies. Like "Al Hanissim", this song opens and closes with the Beit Hamikdash. This song also mentions Matityahu and the lighting of the Menora. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 |
Maury Blanco
Bayat |
318 |
245a |
אל גאל עם נזנח |
Arabic: El kamal fel maleh |
Maury Blanco
Bayat |
321 |
247 |
שא לזנוחך |
Maury Blanco and Aram Soba Orchestra
Bayat |
336 |
257 |
רנה ותהלה ישראל |
Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (BAYAT, page 257), translated as "Rejoice and Praise," is the flagship song for Rosh Hashana. It is composed by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush and it's five stanzas spell the acrostic "Rephael Hazaq." The melody is from the Arabic song "Ghussnu Ban Jabinahu El Badru." According to H Moshe Ashear, this song is used as the Pizmon Sefer Torah on the second day of Rosh Hashana, as well as for Semehim on Shabbat Mishpatim. There are many themes of Rosh Hashana that are alluded to in this song. In the first stanza, Israel prepares a song in order to praise God. The second stanza says that our mouths and our hearts will become pure, and at the beginning of the year (Rosh Hashana), our hearts awaken from the sounds of the Shofar. It is during this time, the Days of Awe, that we say the Confessions, in order to refrain from all transgressions, and in order to become pure before God (third stanza). In the fourth stanza, the author prays for God's children to be written in the Book of Life and for the destruction of Israel's enemies. The final verse is a charge for the nation to strengthen and to observe the Sabbath in order for God to speedily bring us to the end of days. Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
שמחים |
Bayat |
351 |
269 |
איומה לי שובי בחבה |
Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
Mehayar-Bayat |
402 |
328 |
ידידי יה נפשי טהר |
Arabic is "Gadedi Ya Nafsi," sung by Saleh Abd El Hai. Maqam Hoseni. Ashear Manuscript |
Maury Blanco and the Aram Soba Orchestra
Hoseni |
408 |
334 |
דודי אתן |
 דוד חזק Attiah Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Yabess Manuscript British Library Or. 10375 |
Maury Blanco
M Blanco- Qaddish
קדיש |
Rahawi Nawah |
439 |
361 |
מי ימלל |
Mordechai Abadi This pizmon, (Maqam NAWAH, page 361), is composed by H Mordekhai Abadi (Aleppo, 1826, - Jerusalem, 1884), author of "Dibre Mordekhai," and other Halakha responsa. There are a total of 5 stanzas in this pizmon; corresponding to מ-ר-ד-כ-י. "Who can recount the strengths and wonders of the most perfect and wise?" the poem begins, and then proceeds to list the miracles that God orchestrated as the Children of Israel leave Egypt. Starting with the third stanza, the 10 plagues that occurred in Egypt are poetically described. In the last verse, after the festival of Pesah is mentioned, there is a reference to the belief that Pesah, a time of a previous redemption, will be the season in the future when "we will be redeemed." As per the Hazzanut notes of H Moshe Ashear, this song is reserved for Shabbat Bo and Shabbat Hagadol. The Ades synagogue in Jerusalem, however, has a tradition of using this song one week earlier on Shabbat Vaera. Abraham Sitehon Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
ממצרים |
Rahawi Nawah |
442 |
366 |
אל מתנשא לכל לראש לפניך היום תדרוש סליחתם |
Abraham I Antebi Nawah. אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 |
Maury Blanco
Saba |
459 |
381 |
נורא תתן כח לי |
Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Saba |
462 |
382 |
אל חשקי כלו |
Maqam Girkah |
Maury Blanco
Saba |
463 |
383 |
טל אל רפא |
Raphael Tabbush Maqam Mahour |
Maury Blanco
Awj-Oj |
514 |
430 |
אל פקוד עמך |
 Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (OJ, page 430), "Lord, Take Note of Your Nation," is composed based on the Arabic melody called "El Füad Habaq." The Hebrew song is found in the Old "Shir Ushbaha" (page 49), and is most likely written by H Raphael Antebi Tabbush. This melody is popularly applied to Naqdishakh on weeks of Maqam SIGAH. This pizmon is actually a solemn prayer to God from the author, Tabbush; written in first person. The author requests for God to single out and notice His nation, gather them to His house, and to shelter those that are God-fearing. He should have mercy on the poor people, and elevate their paths to be smoother. God should be good to them because they rely on Him and call out to Him. The author continues and petitions God for his own personal welfare. Paraphrasing his words, he says that at all times my heart has high emotions for You (God). God carries my wrongdoings and should have mercy on me and help me. God should watch over me, at all times I pray; and should sustain me forever. |
Maury Blanco
נקדישך |
Sigah |
517 |
434 |
ראש פעלי |
Arabic: Eshfa'ouli. Sung by Muhammad Salim. |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Sigah |
525 |
441 |
אשיש אל בך |
This song is a DOR and the name in Arabic is 'Aziz Hobak. |
Maury Blanco
קדיש |
Sigah |
534 |
446 |
ידידי למה |
Maury Blanco
Hijaz |
569 |
475 |
יחלצון |
Maqam Shehnaz Tabbush Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
נשמת |
Hijaz |
572 |
477 |
ירצני אהוב יה אלי |
 Yehudah Ben Noah Maqam Shehnaz Yabess Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
Hijaz |
573 |
477 |
חמלתך שים על עבדך |
Maury Blanco
Hijaz |
602 |
498 |
מהר חביבי רחמני |
Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript |
Maury Blanco
נשמת |
Hijaz |
607 |
503 |
מלכי עזור יה |
Moses Ashear |
Maury Blanco
2496 |
שלח צירי |
Maqam Bayat Old SU. It is the famous mowashah Hibbi daani. |
Maury Blanco